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Since 1985, MidAmerican Printing Systems has been providing printing services to many of the region's largest businesses, organizations and institutions, in addition to a vast array of small businesses that exist in the community. A G7 certified printing company based in Chicago Illinois.
Open everyday 8AM - 6PM

Chicago Prepress Services
Before we actually print to paper, our experienced Chicago prepress department can help you develop project concepts, develop graphic arts products and prepare your files to achieve optimal print results on press.
Our professional design team can create an entire direct mail campaign from scratch or simply put the finishing touches on a brochure or newsletter. We offer creative design, corporate identity development and typesetting. We work in both MAC and PC platforms.
To make sure your final product reflects the quality and attention to detail that you desire, our highly-experienced Chicago prepress team utilizes cutting-edge tools, working with the latest Computer-to-Plate technology.
Our Chicago prepress department also offers scanning, retouching, page layout, version building and variable data print programming. Depending on your project budget, turnaround time and the content of your printed piece, MidAmerican has a proofing option to meet your needs.
In early 2010, MidAmerican Printing Systems received the coveted G7 certification from Idea Alliance. G7 certification requires a comprehensive calibration regiment that enables exact color matching between preliminary proofs and printed press sheets. Offering the best color management available today, we use the most modern technology and techniques as well as process control and standards required to produce high-quality commercial printing. You, the customer, benefit by getting a print shop that operates with tighter process controls versus the human eye as a subjective judge of color outcomes.
In Chicago, G7 printers are not found in most storefront print shops.
When you call our office and speak to a salesperson, we can determine your needs at that time. Our recommendations will be based on what type of printer you are looking for to fulfill the goals of the project, such as a rush printer, G7 printer, marketing printer, trade show printer, FSC® printer, overnight printer or a full service printer.