If you like multi-channel marketing, here is some good news. According to a survey conducted by WoodWing Software, you’re about to get more of it.
In a survey of publishers, advertising agencies, and in-house marketing departments, WoodWing found that in terms of their marketing mix, 59% favor a combination of print, web, mobile, tablet, and social media.
Which channels do publishers look to first?
22% favor a print-first strategy
6% favor a web-first strategy
5% favor a mobile-first approach
2% favor a social-media-first strategy
Respondents’ main reasons for using social media? Brand awareness. When it comes to communicating the marketing message, however, print remains king.
Why does print remain the dominant form of marketing? Perhaps for a reason no more complicated than people still like going to the mailbox. Unlike email inboxes, which can fill up with hundreds of emails in a single day, the mailbox delivers a handful of mail that most people enjoy sorting through. It’s like a treasure hunt. You never know what’s in there.
Unlike an email subject line, envelopes deliver interest and engagement before they are even opened. Colors, windows, and on-envelope messaging and personalization all offer forms of engagement. Then there are the benefits of other mailing formats, such as postcards, trifold mailers, and three-dimensional mail, which offer even more engagement.
The takeaway? For best results, use social media for branding. Tap into email for reminders, follow-ups, and short-term offers. But keep print as the foundation and bedrock of your marketing.
Multi-channel lead strategies are key to reaching a wider audience and driving conversions. For marketers managing various tools and platforms, using an asset management system can help keep track of all your resources efficiently, ensuring everything is optimized and ready to support your campaigns across multiple channels.