Connecting with customers on a personal level is the ultimate goal for any marketing team. One way to do this is to avoid mass production of generic advertisements, newsletters and postcards. If you have yet to discover variable data printing, then this is your missing link to making the most of your marketing efforts. Variable printing opens up the world of personalized printing, i.e. using personalized greetings or customized messages for specific customers. Take control of your direct marketing program by initiating 1:1 printing today.
Understanding Variable Printing
Also referred to as one-to-one marketing, variable data printing allows you to customize your marketing message to the individual. Say you have 10,000 flyers to print for your upcoming campaign. Using conventional printing methods, each of the flyers would have the exact same message. Enter the world of 1:1 printing. Thanks to our investment in digital printing here at MidAmerican Printing, we have the ability to print off 10,000 distinctive messages for your customers. This gives you the opportunity to streamline your sales by tailoring each piece to a specific, targeted customer. You now have the chance to speak directly to your potential customers in your direct mail campaigns.
Benefits of Variable Data Printing
Identifying with customers by name and according to what you can do for them hits the high notes of any successful marketing story. Personalized printing lets you do exactly that. If your goal is to solidify a connection with customers, you need to redirect your campaign of utilizing promotional flyers, direct mail, event promos and postcards. Target truly prospective customers with applicable information. By targeting your print runs, you:
Reduce your overall printing costs
Increase your customer response rates
—that’s a win-win-win for you and your customers.
Ways to Increase Conversions with Personalized Printing
So, how exactly can you take advantage of 1:1 printing? Here are few ways to implement this fantastic marketing and printing capability:
Print customers’ name and address directly onto materials, rather than using an impersonal affixed sticker, further saving you time and money
Include a personalized barcode or promo code specifically for each customer, which encourages response rates
Print using a background most relevant to the customer’s interests, i.e. strong masculine lines for men, while floral prints or colorful scenery might better suite women
Add customized content geared toward the customer’s demographics, i.e. gender, age, income level, buying habits and occupation
Create customized messages targeting the specific offerings your company can provide with the customer, as noted from past conversations
Think outside of the box with your variable printing needs. Do you have an upcoming sale that would best benefit a certain demographic, i.e. children’s clothing at the end of summer? Create a marketing campaign geared at your young mothers and single fathers, customizing each printed piece to best reflect the customer’s lifestyle. If you are in the business of selling cars, then offer your customers helpful advice that answers questions they’ve fielded to you in your latest contact with them.
Making Printing Marketable
Here at MidAmerican Printing, your leading Chicago printing company, we have the printing expertise and equipment to bring this innovative form of digital printing to life for your needs. Contact our sales representatives today to get a quote for your upcoming variable data printing project.